DNO, WALLENIUS WILHELMS, Another 8 Companies Have A High Estimated Dividend Yield
(VIANEWS) – DNO (DNO.OL), WALLENIUS WILHELMS (WAWI.OL), NORSK HYDRO (NHY.OL) have the highest dividend yield stocks on this list. Financial Asset Forward Dividend Yield Updated (EST) DNO (DNO.OL) 9.94% 2023-11-30 08:25:36 WALLENIUS WILHELMS (WAWI.OL) 9.29% 2023-11-30 08:44:14 NORSK HYDRO (NHY.OL) 8.7% 2023-11-29 08:41:31 ALPES (COMPAGNIE) (CDA.PA) 6.15% 2023-11-30 08:45:17 CRCAM LOIRE HTE L. (CRLO.PA) 5.31%…