(VIANEWS) – About ULTIMOVACS Yearly Analysis Technical Analysis Equity Analysis More news about ULTIMOVACS (ULTI.OL).
(VIANEWS) – About ULTIMOVACS Yearly Analysis Technical Analysis Equity Analysis More news about ULTIMOVACS (ULTI.OL).
(VIANEWS) – AEX-Index (^AEX) has been up by 4.25% for the last 10 sessions. At 08:50 EST on Thursday, 12 September, AEX-Index (^AEX) is €884.50. About AEX-Index’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 0% down from its 52-week low and 0% down from its 52-week high. Volatility AEX-Index’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current…
(VIANEWS) – Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI (OSEBX.OL) has been up by 4.1% for the last 10 sessions. At 16:51 EST on Tuesday, 10 September, Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI (OSEBX.OL) is kr1,379.27. Volume Today’s last reported volume for Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI is 4209969419, 0% below its average volume of 4209969920. About Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI’s…
(VIANEWS) – DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX (^GDAXI) has been up by 2.59% for the last 5 sessions. At 16:50 EST on Tuesday, 10 September, DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX (^GDAXI) is €18,260.66. About DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 24.81% up from its 52-week low and 3.84% down from its 52-week high. Volatility DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX’s last week, last month’s,…
(VIANEWS) – AEX-Index (^AEX) has been up by 2.69% for the last 5 sessions. At 15:50 EST on Tuesday, 10 September, AEX-Index (^AEX) is €884.39. Regarding AEX-Index’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 24.27% up from its 52-week low and 6.82% down from its 52-week high. Volatility AEX-Index’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current…
(VIANEWS) – SMI PR (^SSMI) has been up by 2.76% for the last 5 sessions. At 09:52 EST on Tuesday, 10 September, SMI PR (^SSMI) is €12,007.87. Regarding SMI PR’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 17.13% up from its 52-week low and 3.81% down from its 52-week high. Volatility SMI PR’s last week, last month’s,…
(VIANEWS) – Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI (OSEBX.OL) has been up by 2.77% for the last 5 sessions. At 09:56 EST on Monday, 9 September, Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI (OSEBX.OL) is kr1,389.42. Volume Today’s last reported volume for Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI is 4209969419, 0% below its average volume of 4209969920. Regarding Oslo Børs Benchmark Index_GI’s…
(VIANEWS) – SMI PR (^SSMI) has been up by 3.63% for the last 5 sessions. At 09:54 EST on Monday, 9 September, SMI PR (^SSMI) is €11,999.05. Concerning SMI PR’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 17.05% up from its 52-week low and 3.88% down from its 52-week high. Volatility SMI PR’s last week, last month’s,…
(VIANEWS) – DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX (^GDAXI) has been up by 2.78% for the last 5 sessions. At 09:53 EST on Monday, 9 September, DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX (^GDAXI) is €18,404.44. Concerning DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 25.8% up from its 52-week low and 3.09% down from its 52-week high. Volatility DAX PERFORMANCE-INDEX’s last week, last month’s,…
(VIANEWS) – Euronext 100 Index (^N100) has been up by 3.4% for the last 5 sessions. At 09:52 EST on Monday, 9 September, Euronext 100 Index (^N100) is €1,449.58. Concerning Euronext 100 Index’s yearly highs and lows, it’s 14.58% up from its 52-week low and 7.1% down from its 52-week high. Volatility Euronext 100 Index’s…