BLEECKER, KLAVENESS COMBINAT, Another 8 Companies Have A High Estimated Dividend Yield
(VIANEWS) – BLEECKER (BLEE.PA), KLAVENESS COMBINAT (KCC.OL), RANA GRUBER (RANA.OL) have the highest dividend yield stocks on this list. Financial Asset Forward Dividend Yield Updated (EST) BLEECKER (BLEE.PA) 18.23% 2023-04-09 07:45:16 KLAVENESS COMBINAT (KCC.OL) 16.42% 2023-04-09 07:30:28 RANA GRUBER (RANA.OL) 12.73% 2023-04-09 07:31:26 COFACE (COFA.PA) 11.49% 2023-04-09 07:45:46 FLOW TRADERS (FLOW.AS) 7.07% 2023-04-09 07:01:08 KBC…